Our students philologists are at the "Winter school" of Lomonosov Moscow State University

Submitted by Dmitry_Gorbachev on Mon, 01/17/2022 - 19:01

On January 17, 2022, the "Winter School" of the Faculty of Journalism of the Lomonosov Moscow State University began its work. "Winter School" is an international educational project for students of foreign universities. As a result of the competitive selection , three students of the Faculty of Philology of the Francisk Skorina Gomel State University became its participants. They are Anastasija Britova and Nadezhda Kovalevich from the RF-41 group, Tatjana Piminjonkova from the BF-31 group.

The program is focused on familiarization with the media system of Russia, on mastering practical skills of working in Russian-speaking online and print media, as well as on television and radio. The school operates in a distance format for two weeks. The entire course is divided into theoretical and practical modules.

Lectures by leading teachers of the Faculty of Journalism will help students form an idea about the Russian media system, about the specifics of Russian journalism, about trends in the development of the Russian media market, about digital media in Russia, etc.

In practice, our students will create author's media projects under the guidance of MSU teachers. Practical work will be organized from the second week as part of small groups, a prerequisite for the allocation of which will be the affiliation of participants to different universities in different countries.

Anastasija Britova: At the first lesson, we were given an online tour of the building where the Faculty of Journalism is located. All this was accompanied by interesting facts about the history of the university, as well as about the formation of the journalism faculty. The tutor not only talked about the faculty and departments, but also answered students' questions. The second lesson was devoted to economic journalism. Then there was a meeting with teachers who talked about further work, ways of organizing it. MSU employees are qualified specialists who are interesting to listen to. The teaching staff is young, ambitious, endearing. I liked the atmosphere of the classes and their organization.

Nadezhda Kovalevich: Today we had an acquaintance, an online tour of the MSU journalism faculty building and the first lecture on Eurasian integration. The Dean of the Faculty of Journalism, Professor Elena Vartanova, talked to us. I can say that I already like the "Winter School". The tour was informative, the teachers communicate with us very simply and on equal terms. I also liked today's lecture, although so far we have little knowledge about the media system.

Tatjana Piminjonkova: Participation in the "Winter School" is a new opportunity! The first day 100% met the expectations of this event. The fascinating excursion and the first lecture left only positive emotions. I am sure that further work will be fruitful and no less useful.

We wish success to our students. We are sure that they will adequately represent our university, acquire useful skills and modern knowledge.

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