Faculty of History

Логотип Исторического факультета ГГУ им. Ф. Скорины


Address: Republic of Belarus, Gomel, Kirova Str., 119, Room 3-16
Phone: +375 (232) 51 03 32
E-mail:  hist-fac*gsu.by
Site: http://history.gsu.by
Декан Исторического факультета ГГУ им. Ф. Скорины Черепко Станислав Александрович


Charopka Stanislau,
PhD in History, associate professor
Phone: +375 (232) 51 03 32
E-mail: cherepko*gsu.by
Address: Republic of Belarus, Gomel, Kirova Str., 119, Room 3-16

History reference

The first training of historians at our university started in 1944, when, after the liberation of Gomel, classes at V.P. Chkalova Gomel Pedagogical Institute were resumed. Then the Faculty of History was first created. In 1948 the first graduation of the Faculty of History took place. After graduation in 1956, the training of historians at our university was suspended. In 1969, with the transformation of Pedagogical Institute into Gomel State University, the Department of History was established within the Faculty of History and Philology and the preparation of historians was resumed. As an independent faculty, it started functioning in 1988. In 1991, the Department of Law was established at the faculty, and the training of historians with the additional specialty “Foreign Language” started. In 1992, the Department of History of Belarus was created, the faculty was renamed into the Faculty of History and Law, and in July 1998 it was divided into two independent faculties – the Faculty of History and the Faculty of Law. In 2004, the Department of Philosophy was included in the faculty.

During the existence of the faculty, about 3,000 specialists working in the field of education, in museums, archives, universities, research institutes, public organizations and governing bodies of the city, region, republic, and entrepreneurial organizations have been trained in full-time and part-time forms of training.

Faculty today

Currently, the faculty has four departments: the History of Belarus, World History, Slavs’ History and Special Historical Disciplines, Philosophy. The educational process is provided by highly qualified specialists, 2/3 of which have an academic degree. Education at the faculty is carried out in two specialities: "History (Russian and World)", "Museum business and protection of historical and cultural heritage (in the directions)." Within the framework of the speciality "Museum business and protection of historical and cultural heritage (in the directions)", specialists of two profiles are being trained. Firstly, the direction “Museum business and protection of historical and cultural heritage (History and Museology)” with the qualification “Historian-museologist. Teacher". Secondly, “Museum business and protection of historical and cultural heritage (cultural heritage and tourism)” with the qualification “Manager of cultural heritage and tourism”.

The integral part of the educational process at the faculty was the active research work of students led by highly qualified lecturers in the field of archeology, ethnography, local history, the history of Gomel region, political parties and movements in Belarus, the recent history of Germany and Poland, the problems of laws of humanization of public relations, the place of youth in modern society . Every third student of the faculty is an active participant in research. Active research work is carried out in the framework of student research laboratories, there are five of them at the faculty. A lot of attention is paid to the practical training of students. The faculty conducts practices: pedagogical, archaeological and ethnographic, museum (introductory), museum (excursion-stock), heuristic (search), managerial. The basis for the practice are schools, gymnasiums, libraries, museums in Gomel, archives of Gomel region, computer classes of the university, and tourism enterprises. Archaeological practice is carried out in the field.

Since 2005, the faculty has been teaching students under the master's program in two specialities: "Russian History" and "World History".

Students of the faculty actively participate in the social, cultural, sports life of the university.

The faculty has 30 lecturers, 4 of them are doctors and 17 PhDs, about 250 students and undergraduates.


In 2019:

I stage of higher education:

  • History (Russian and World) - full-time and part-time education;
  • •    Museum business and protection of historical and cultural heritage (History and Museology) - full-time.

II stage of higher education (master):

  • "World History" - full-time education;
  • “Belarusian History” - full-time and part-time education.


In the speciality "History (Russian and World)" training is carried out in two specializations:

  • “Modern and Contemporary History of Belarus”
  • "Modern and Contemporary History of Foreign Countries"

Scientific fields

The main fields of research at the Department of History of Belarus are:

  • ethnocultural development of Belarusian Polesie and the Dnieper;
    characteristics of ethno-confessional processes and religious life in the BSSR in the 1920–1930s;
    social processes in the Belarusian-Russian-Ukrainian borderland in the interwar period.

The direction of scientific research of the Department of World History is:

  • the history of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe in modern and contemporary times and international relations in the specified region.
  • The Department of Slavs’ History and Special Historical Disciplines has several scientific directions:
  • archaeological research in the Middle Dnieper;
  • modernization processes in Belarus in the 19th - early 20th century

The main scientific interests of the Department of Philosophy:

  • the development of problems of social philosophy, the role of personality in the conditions of transformation of society, the philosophy of consciousness;
  • logic and methodology of science, the specifics of methodology of humanitarian knowledge;
  • religion in the structure of culture, the study of the experience of spiritual and moral education of students.

To the applicant

Career prospects with the Faculty of History:

  • Museum "Palace and Park Ensemble"
  • Travel agency "Assas Travel"
  • Museum of the History of Gomel
  • Transport and Travel Company
  • Gomel Regional Museum of Military Glory as well as all museums in Gomel and the region
  • Travel agencies of Gomel
  • Gomel Regional Lyceum
  • Company Belneftestrakh
  • The newspaper "Gomel Vedomosti"
  • All schools, colleges, lyceums of Gomel
  • The newspaper "Gomelskaya Pravda"
  • The newspaper "Evening Gomel"
  • F. Skorins GSU and other universities of the city and the Republic of Belarus
  • Gomel Regional Executive Committee
  • Administration of the Central District of Gomel
  • State Archive of Gomel Region
  • Gomel City Executive Committee
  • Gomel Specialized Slavic Library