
  • 16 Nov 2018
    On November 15, 2018, students of the Faculty of Physics and Information Technologies visited Bel Huawei Technologies LLC (Minsk). The students were addressed by Wang Yuzhou, product manager for Smart home and Three Cloud. The children got an insight into the modern equipment of the technological direction "Smart Home / Smart Environment", examples of the integration of devices of this direction in the Belarusian market and prospects for the development of the economy based on interactive M2M…
  • 14 Nov 2018
    Mobility of lecturers and students, training and professional development of teachers, disciplinary procedures at the educational establishments, judicial control of personnel evaluation in the field of education, inclusive education, data protection, transparency and access to information in the field of education - this is not a complete list of the problems that were addressed during the methodological seminar on the program for the implementation of the EduLAW International Project “…
  • 02 Nov 2018
    Ms Fionna Gibb, Her Majesty’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Republic of Belarus, visited Francisk Skorina Gomel State University. The meeting with the students and the University board was devoted to discussion of the issues of cooperation between GSU and the British Council in the field of English language, various opportunities of implementation of joint projects aiming at reinforcement of language competence…
  • 31 Oct 2018
    Lectors of German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the rock band “Solche” visited Francisk Skorina Gomel State University on October 31, 2018. For many years DAAD lecturers have been organizing the informative and educational meetings at GSU presenting the aims and purposes of DAAD to the students, postgraduates and lecturers of our University. Thus, students and young researchers can get DAAD scholarships, attend summer university courses in Germany, get an internship in educational…
  • 26 Oct 2018
    Representatives of the University took part in the exhibition of products of the enterprises of Belarus and Ukraine organized within the frames of the 1st Forum of regions at Gomel Athletics Palace. GSU specialists presented their research and development production at the exhibition. 100 Belarusian and 50 Ukrainian companies demonstrated their achievements and developments in the consumer goods sector, energetics, science and technologies, innovations, agriculture, building industry,…
  • 16 Oct 2018
    Vilnius University hosted the international conference Oxygenalia'2018 on October 11 – 13, 2018. The event was organized under the aegis of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Jagiellonian University (Kraków), Vilnius University and Poznan university of Medical Sciences. During the conference, a cycle of training workshops on the synthesis and measurement of dielectric and conductive properties of materials synthesized by the sol-gel method took place. The conference was attended by Dmitry…
  • 16 Oct 2018
    Nanophotonics and metamaterials demonstrate unlimited capabilities of modern quantum physics. To reshape ordinary things, to improve qualities of objects and add new dimensions for the welfare of people – these are the tasks fulfilled by the scholars and researchers. Joint work of the physicists from Francisk Skorina Gomel State University and their colleagues from ITMO University is an example of close interrelations for development of new magnetic resonance imaging technologies. Stanislav…
  • 11 Oct 2018
    Doctor of biological sciences, head of the department of sport and health improvement of the University of Zielona Góra (Poland), professor Richard Asinkevich visited GSU on October 9, 2018. The meeting with Rector Sergei Khakhomov was devoted to discussion of cooperation between the universities, the issues of internships and admission procedures. Professor Khakhomov gave insights into the history of our University, its structure, research and scientific achievements and training of foreign…
  • 08 Oct 2018
    From October 4 to October 5, 2018, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (Kazakhstan) hosted the International Forum of the Eurasian Association of Pedagogical Universities “Problems of Continuing Teacher Education: Traditions and Innovations”, held with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Eurasian Association of Pedagogical Universities (EAPU). The Republic of Belarus was represented at the forum by Alexander Zhuk, Rector of Maxim…
  • 08 Oct 2018
    Representatives of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University and Nanjing University of Science and Technologies visited the Chinese company WuXi Hongjin-Wuxi Qiantai New Materials Technology Co., Ltd. The company is involved into equipment development and implementation of technologies of technologies for the production of hardening coatings by physical spraying (PVD). The chief engineer and one of the shareholders of this organization, Chen Xiaoquan, is a graduate of our university. Following…