Faculty of Biology

Логотип биологического факультета ГГУ им. Ф. Скорины


Adress: Republic of Belarus,
Gomel, Sovetskaya Str., 102 (Build. 1)
Tel: +375(232) 60-64-81
E-mail: biofac*gsu.by
Site: http://biology.gsu.by/
Декан биологического факультета ГГУ им. Ф. Скорины АВЕРИН Виктор Сергеевич


AVERIN Victor Sergeevich,,
Doctor of Biology, Professor
Tel: +375(232) 60-64-81
Adress: Republic of Belarus, Gomel, Sovietskaya Str., 108, Build. 1, Room 3-4

History reference

The Faculty of Biology was founded on the basis of the Chemical-Biological Department of Gomel State Pedagogical Institute in 1930, later it became the Faculty of Biology and Soil with Departments of Zoology, Botany and Plant Physiology, Human and Animal Physiology.

Биологический факультет ГГУ им. Ф. Скорины

The first head of the Chemical-Biological Department was Margolin I.N. After the university was renamed as V.P. Chkalov Gomel State Pedagogical Institute the Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology was Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor F. Kharitonovich (He was also the head of the Department of Plant Physiology and Fundamentals of Agriculture).

Currently, the dean of the Faculty of Biology is Averin Victor Sergeevich, Doctor of Biology, Professor, Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology. The main scientific activity is aimed at developing effective and economically feasible ways of sustainable development of territories contaminated with radionuclides, improving measures to protect the population in the event of accidents at nuclear power plants and long-term residence on the territory of radioactive contamination.

Scientific support and support of rehabilitation and protective measures. Over 6500 highly qualified specialists who have graduated from the Faculty of Biology over the past 75 years have been successfully working in the field of education and in various sectors of the national economy of the Republic of Belarus

Faculty today

Биологический факультет ГГУ им. Ф. Скорины

At present, the Faculty of Biology of the Educational Establishment “Francis Skorina Gomel State University” is the educational and scientific center, in the structure of which there are 4 departments, two research laboratories, Chenki biological station, where students take summer practices in zoology and botany, 5 student research laboratories, a zoological museum with an extensive collection, a unique botanical herbarium. Currently, 418 students are studying at the faculty, 40 teachers work here.

Currently, 418 students study at the faculty, 40 teachers work.


  • 1 31 03 01 02 “Biology” (direction - scientific and pedagogical activity)
  • 1-75 01 01 "Forestry"


  • 1-31 01 01 - 02 02 Botany
  • 1-31 01 01 - 02 26 Phytodesign
  • 1-31 01 01 - 02 01 Zoology
  • 1-31 01 01 - 02 04 Human and animal physiology
  • 1-31 01 01 - 02 05 Biochemistry
  • 1-75 01 01 - 01 Forestry and forestry

Scientific areas

At the Faculty of Biology Professor G.G. Goncharenko’s scientific school is does the studies of the population-genetic resources of the forests of Belarus.

To the applicant

The faculty is actively working with applicants, students of 9-11 grades of secondary schools of Gomel region are preparing for the Republican Olympiads in biology and chemistry, open door days and excursions are regularly held.
