Ideological and educational work

  • 16 Sep 2021
    On the eve of the celebration of the National Unity Day on September 17, the Gomel Palace and Park Ensemble hosted a round table "National Unity Day as a symbol of the consolidation of the Belarusian people" with the participation of the Chairman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Natal'ja Kochanovaja and other senior officials, heads, representatives of organizations and institutions, public associations. All regions of our republic participated…
  • 22 Mar 2021
    A round table "Khatyn - the pain of the Belarusian people" was held at the Francisk Skorina Gomel State University. Exactly 78 years ago the Nazis and their accomplices carried out one of the most inhuman punitive actions against the civilian population of Belarus, during which 149 residents of the Khatyn village were burned alive or shot, 75 of them were children. A small village has forever become a symbol of the tragedy of the Belarusian people, a mournful page in the history of the Great…
  • 10 Feb 2021
    The STV TV channel continues to present the delegates of the 6th All-Belarusian People’s Assembly to the country’s residents, the News 24 Hours program reported on STV. In what direction the national science is developing and how the regional universities of Belarus live, spoke the Rector of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University Sergei Khakhomov. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences participates in the All-Belarusian People’s Assembly for the first time. He will represent at the Forum…
  • 29 Jan 2021
    On January, 29, students of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University took part in the meeting with the President via video link. Больше фото по теме…
  • 28 Jan 2021
    The dialogue platform of student activists with the delegates of the All-Belarusian People's Assembly unfolded on January, 27 in the exhibition hall of GSU. The speakers were the delegates of the ABPA - Alexey Zaitsev, a senior lecturer at the Department of General Physics, and Daria Kozlova, a student of the Faculty of Economics. The future participants of the big national dialogue shared their thoughts and expectations from the upcoming forum, told us what it is like to become a delegate.…
  • 22 Dec 2020
    On December 22, an open dialogue took place in the conference hall of Gomel State University, the main topic of which was youth self-government. The chief specialist of the Department for Youth Affairs of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus Sergey Aleksandrovich Shmarlovsky, Deputy Head of the Military Recruitment Department of the Military Commissariat of the city of Gomel Major Nikolai Mikhailovich Zvezdkin and assistant of the department of history of the Slavs and special…
  • 02 Nov 2020
    Anna Shevtsova, Student of the Year - 2020 of F. Skorina Gomel State University, and Alina Borodulina, secretary of the primary organization of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, took part in the youth forum “The future belongs to us” on October 29-31 in Mogilev. The program of this large-scale event included content analysis on social networks, seminars on successful cases and creatives making, audience engagement and design of stories and feeds for the target audience, rallying trainings…
  • 30 Oct 2020
    First Deputy Minister of Education Irina Starovoitova paid a working visit to the Francisk Skorina Gomel State University. Irina Anatolyevna discussed a number of topical issues with the student body of the university  in the format of an open dialogue, which was also attended by First Vice-Rector Andrey Kruk and Vice-Rector for Educational Work Yuri Nikityuk. There were discussed such topics as the pros and cons of distance learning using information and communication technologies. Irina…
  • 12 Oct 2020
    The GSU hosted a meeting of students of the Faculty of Geology and Geography with the teacher of the year of Belarus, a graduate of our university Vadim Losev. For an hour and a half, Vadim recalled the years at the alma mater, told the students about his teaching activities, shared the secrets of success and plans for the future. The meeting began with welcoming words and congratulations from the GSU Rector Sergey Khakhomov. Sergey Anatolyevich presented the talented teacher with souvenirs and…
  • 12 Oct 2020
    On October 10, a youth forum was held in Gomel. Among the participants t representatives of our university. One of the main components of the forum was an open dialogue under the slogan “We are Belarus!”. Representatives of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, local authorities, and the deputy corps took part in the forum as experts. Young people could ask any question of interest and receive a detailed answer from specialists. A rich program with photo zones, master classes and interactive…
  • 16 Sep 2020
    From August 12 to September 15, the university held an annual campaign " With a kind heart to school!" The Volunteer Activity Center opened its doors to everyone who wished to take part in the event - students and teachers of biological, philological, geological and geographical (volunteer squad "Planet of Kindness") faculties, as well as the Faculty of Mathematics and Programming Technologies, Psychology and Pedagogy (volunteer squad "Rays of good ”, groups PS-31, PS-43), Physical culture (…
  • 03 Sep 2020
    A museum of the history of the university functions at the F. Skorina GSU. The exposition presents archival materials reflecting the history of the development of an educational institution, outstanding achievements of the university and biographies of famous graduates. It is possible to conduct individual and group excursions for students, teachers, study groups and curators. Pre-registration by phone: + 375-29-163-76-49 (Dubrovskaya Lyudmila Vladimirovna).
  • 04 Aug 2020
    Last Friday, Deputy Prime Minister Igor Petrishenko, Minister of Education Igor Karpenko, Chairman of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee Alexander Turchin, and First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union Dmitry Voronyuk talked to the participants of the republican sports and educational forum for working youth "Olympia". The honored guests answered all the questions of concern to young people, discussed current topics and events taking place in the…
  • 04 Aug 2020
    This small village in the Zhlobin region has a rich history. One of the most beautiful palace and park complexes in Belarus is located in Krasny Bereg, perfectly preserved to this day. The manor house was built in the eclectic style in 1890-1893. In the palace interiors recreated by restorers, each of the 36 rooms is made in a different style. The staff of the museum, which is now located in the estate, conducted an excursion for the students. Walking through the exquisitely designed halls of…
  • 31 Jul 2020
    An open dialogue between the university administration and active students took place in the conference hall of the F. Skorina State University. The topic of the conversation is “Belarus: yesterday, today, tomorrow”. The first speaker was Alina Borodulina, secretary of the NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union". She told the participants in the dialogue about the electoral system of the Republic of Belarus and the work of the online reception of the Gomel regional organization "Belarusian…
  • 30 Jul 2020
    Medical workers and patrons of the region were awarded in a solemn atmosphere in Gomel. We are proud to note that Sergei Khakhomov, Rector of Gomel State University, and Aleksey Zaitsev, PhD student of the Faculty of Physics and IT, were awarded the Certificate of Honor for their social activism, heartfelt response to the most difficult epidemiological situation in the country, and a great personal contribution to support of medical workers in the Gomel Region. The leadership of the Francisk…