During the spring vacation, the final round of the Republican Olympiad in the academic subjects "Belarusian language" and "Belarusian literature" is traditionally held. This year, the participants (which are 112 students of general secondary education institutions of six regions of our country and the city of Minsk) were welcomed by hospitable Brest. The competition of young philologists was held on the basis of the "Brest Regional Lyceum named after P.M. Masherov".

On the first day of the competition, participants wrote feedback on the proposed poem or prose work. Olympiads had to demonstrate reading experience (provide information about the author, parallels with other works, references to other authors, etc.); the ability to identify the topic, problem and idea of the work, the role of the plot, composition, visual means of expression; define and justify the author's position; accurate and comprehensive justification of one's own reading of the work, appropriate use of illustrative material was evaluated. The final score was influenced by the linguistic and compositional design of the feedback, the creative nature of the work.
The second stage is comprehensive work on the Belarusian language and literature. The tasks proposed in the complex work reflected the connection between language and architecture, covered various sections of modern linguistics, revealed knowledge of the history and theory of Belarusian literature.
The Olympiad is a test not only for the participants, but also for the members of the jury - teachers of the Belarusian universities of Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Horodny, Mogilev, Minsk, who had to objectively evaluate the works and choose the best among the best.
The participants of the final stage were able to demonstrate not only mastery of theory and practice in the field of linguistics and literature, but also independent thinking, a broad outlook, and creativity.
The team of the Gomel region performed well, its members brought home 10 diplomas and two commendations.
I hope that our Olympians will continue to maintain their interest and love for their native language, and will join the ranks of students of the Faculty of Philology of the Gomel State University named after Frantzsko Skaryna.
Alena Paluyan,
Dean of the Faculty of Philology,
member of the jury