Events dedicated to Teacher's Day

Submitted by Dmitry_Gorbachev on Sun, 10/04/2020 - 16:20
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The first Sunday of October in Belarus is Teacher's Day. For every representative of the profession related to training, this holiday is one of the most significant and solemn.

This professional holiday is designated in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 157 of March 26, 1998 "On public holidays, holidays and memorable dates in the Republic of Belarus", and traces its history from the time of the existence of the USSR.

In different schools in Belarus, Teachers' Day is celebrated on different days: in some schools on Friday, and in some on Monday. But it is traditional to congratulate teachers with flowers, sweets, good wishes and good grades from the students.

From time immemorial, teachers and doctors have been the most knowledgeable and respected people. It is thanks to the teachers that we get on our feet in our life, we find a place for ourselves, we realize our abilities.

In many schools, this day is considered to be the Teacher's Day, and not a holiday of the whole school: teachers come dressed up, receive congratulations, flowers, and arrange a tea party in the evening. Children and school graduates will be able to show special attention to elderly teachers who have retired.