
  • 04 Aug 2020
    This small village in the Zhlobin region has a rich history. One of the most beautiful palace and park complexes in Belarus is located in Krasny Bereg, perfectly preserved to this day. The manor house was built in the eclectic style in 1890-1893. In the palace interiors recreated by restorers, each of the 36 rooms is made in a different style. The staff of the museum, which is now located in the estate, conducted an excursion…
  • 03 Aug 2020
    F. Skorina State University successfully passed accreditation and received a license for educational activities for the next five years. Comprehensive tests were successfully completed in the specialty "Social Work", the first enrollment for which took place in 2017. The University is accredited in 33 specialties of the I stage of higher education, in 20 specialties of the II stage of higher education (magistracy) and in 18…
  • 31 Jul 2020
    An open dialogue between the university administration and active students took place in the conference hall of the F. Skorina State University. The topic of the conversation is “Belarus: yesterday, today, tomorrow”. The first speaker was Alina Borodulina, secretary of the NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union". She told the participants in the dialogue about the electoral system of the Republic of Belarus and the work of…
  • 30 Jul 2020
    The Faculty of Physics and Information Technologies of F. Skorina GSU took part in the Huawei Better World Summit 2020 remote seminar on July 27-30. It was dedicated to the development of 5G, ICT infrastructure and the digital economy. The sessions covered in detail how information technology is being used to effectively combat the spread of COVID-19, as well as accelerate economic recovery after the pandemic. The invitation…
  • 30 Jul 2020
    Medical workers and patrons of the region were awarded in a solemn atmosphere in Gomel. We are proud to note that Sergei Khakhomov, Rector of Gomel State University, and Aleksey Zaitsev, PhD student of the Faculty of Physics and IT, were awarded the Certificate of Honor for their social activism, heartfelt response to the most difficult epidemiological situation in the country, and a great personal contribution to support of…
  • 29 Jul 2020
    The Faculty of Physics and Information Technologies of the Skorina Gomel State University opened a robotics class of the Gomel Technopark. The project has become the next step towards the development and strengthening of partnership between organizations. Sergei Khakhomov, Rector of F. Skorina State University, noted in his speech that this is not the first experience of interaction with colleagues in the field of information…
  • 29 Jul 2020
    Public discussion of the work "Development of high-energy strengthening and welding technologies and organization of production of export-oriented industrial equipment" took place on the basis of Gomselmash OJSC (I.I. Vegera, M.N. Bosyakov, I.L. Pobol, V. G. Zalessky, B. V. Kovalevsky, O. G. Stepuk). The authors of the work, as well as leading scientists and specialists of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus,…
  • 29 Jul 2020
    The Faculty of Physics and IT has been participating in the Erasmus + program "Development of practically-oriented student-centered education in the field of modeling of Cyber-Physical Systems" (CybPhys) since 2019. As the situation with Covid-19 does not allow meeting with project participants from Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia and Cyprus, it was decided to organize remote meetings once every two weeks. The first online meeting…
  • 28 Jul 2020
    Students of the Faculty of Physics and IT underwent a six-month internship in Italy under the ERASMUS + program this year. ERASMUS + is the European Union's student and faculty exchange program between universities. To participate in the program, young people must meet a number of requirements, for example, be students for at least 2 years of study, have a sufficiently high GPA, and be fluent in the language of instruction…
  • 27 Jul 2020
    Olga Silkina from Gomel won the gold medal in the modern pentathlon competition at the World Championships, which was held from September 2 to 8 in Budapest (Hungary). Olga, gained 1,368 points in the individual championship and received a personal license for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of July 23, 2020, Olga Vladimirovna Silkina, a graduate of our university, an…
  • 24 Jul 2020
    A former graduate, and now a master's student of our university in the specialty "Physical culture and sports" Yuri Zabolotny became a two-time winner at the open Cup of the Republic of Belarus in athletics. Yuri passed all his rivals in running at distances of 100 and 200 meters. Yuri Zabolotny - Master of Sports of the Republic of Belarus, member of the national athletics team. This year he became the first at a distance…
  • 23 Jul 2020
    Tatiana Yakubovich, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Belarusian Trade Union of Education and Science Workers, is on a working visit to Gomel and the Gomel region. One of the points of the route was the Gomel State University. This is no coincidence, because the GSU for Tatiana Romanovna is an alma mater. Tatyana Yakubovich visited the Francisk Skorina Museum-Laboratory and the Faculty of Mathematics and Programming…
  • 23 Jul 2020
    “The main thing in life is to set clear goals and take firm steps to achieve them!”  Elena Sazhina, dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​at the Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, believes. Elena Vladimirovna is sure that the quality of training of foreign language teachers in the regional institution is not inferior to the capital. - Elena Vladimirovna, what specialties are represented at the Faculty of Foreign…
  • 23 Jul 2020
    The second graduation of the joint Belarusian-Russian magistracy took place at the Faculty of Physics and IT. Master's students Kirill Kopertekhov, Alexander Maevsky and Aleksey Shkal successfully defended their master's theses and received diplomas from the Francisk Skorina Gomel State University and the National Research University "MIET" (Moscow). The defense of diplomas at a Moscow university took place online because of…
  • 22 Jul 2020
    On July 18, the republican youth train “# BELARUS. YOUTH. INSPIRATION". The project of the Ministry of Education, the Belarusian Republican Union of Youth and the Belarusian Railway brought together about a hundred guys and girls - representatives of the talented youth of our country. The GSU team includes guys who are actively involved in the life of the university and the city: Maria Yurkova, Dmitry Dreizin, Alexey Zaitsev…
  • 17 Jul 2020
    Francisk Skorina Gomel State University was awarded in the "Education" nomination according to the results of the republican competition "Best Exporter of 2019". The competition was traditionally held by the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry together with the ministries of architecture and construction, health, foreign affairs, forestry, industry, agriculture and food, transport and communications, economy and a…