Victory for the GSU men's volleyball team!

Submitted by ias on Sun, 03/31/2024 - 18:09

From March 25 to 29, the city volleyball championship among higher education institutions was held at the sports complex of the Belarusian State University of Transport. The men's volleyball team of the Gomel State University named after F. Skaryna rose to the highest step of the podium, defeating the teams of the Gomel State Technical University named after P.O. Sukhoi (II place) and Gomel State Medical University (III place). As part of the team, the honor of GSU was defended by students: E. Rodchenko, E. Filimonov, O. Zhivushko, I. Borilo, S. Veres, N. Usov, I. Dyubenkov, V. Prikhodko. I. Furman, R. Mitsura, E. Kuleshov, V. Stolyarov, N. Mikhalenko. The volleyball team was prepared for the performance by the teacher of the Department of Physical Education and Sports V.V. Tsarun. Congratulations to the winners! Keep it up! We wish you to win at the republican competitions!

                                Марина Кожедуб, руководитель спортивного пресс-центра