
  • 18 Sep 2018
    PD. Dr. habil. Olga Keller (Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen), a coordinator of European academic mobility programmes for higher education institutions in Belarus, delivered lectures to the students and lecturers of the Faculty of history within the frames of the EU project ERASMUS+ on September 15, 2018. Professor Keller explained a number of issues concerning the long-term internships at the University of Tübingen. 
  • 17 Sep 2018
    On September 5, members of the Student Council of the University together with the staff of OMISS took part in the design of the thematic exhibition in celebration of the city Day. Colorful drawings and photographs in frames, exhibition of old towels, themed quiz "Native Gomel", master-class "Romanovy Machacek," the creative platform "I naradziysya here" – student Council of the University has prepared for the inhabitants of…
  • 17 Sep 2018
    On September 14, the Grand opening of the IX international festival of choreographic art "Sozhski Karagod" took place at the stadium "Central". The opening ceremony was attended by students of the Gomel state University, which became part of the large-scale dance show "time has chosen us". In the finale of the fest, the girls performed the song "Our dance", which culminated in the emblem of the festival - a ready-to-fly stork…
  • 14 Sep 2018
    Head of the Department of Optics Vladimir Gaishun and Head of the Department of Theoretical Physics Gennady Tyumenkov took part in the XXXI International Congress of the Association of Space Flight Participants, which was held in Minsk. The event brought together about 90 cosmonauts from 19 countries. The largest delegations came from Russia and the United States. The event involved participants from Germany, the Netherlands…
  • 06 Sep 2018
    Vice Rector for academic affairs, Doctor of physics and mathematics, Professor Igor Semchenko took part in the XXI International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena Metamaterials'2018 that was hosted by Aalto University (Espoo, Finland) on August 27 – 30, 2018. The Congress provides a topical forum to share the latest results of the metamaterials research in Europe and worldwide, bringing together the…
  • 05 Sep 2018
    Head of the Department of Geology and Geography Alexander Pavlovsky took part in the republican festival "Kazakhstan - Land of the Great Steppe" held in the National Cultural Complex "Ethnoaul" in Astana. The event was aiming at the cultural exchange and business cooperation in the field of tourism, revival of national values ​​and traditions of the Kazakh people, formation of interest and loyalty to the Turkic culture,…
  • 04 Sep 2018
    Human rights in detail, imitation of court hearings, acquaintance with the real picture of refugees in Belarus... Yurtaman Gylyjov, a student of the Law faculty of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University took part in the 1st Summer School in Refugee Law and Rights. "Only 27 people were selected to participate in the educational project organized by the UNHCR Office in Belarus," the student said. "In order to be elected, we…
  • 20 Aug 2018
    Lectures, leisure, communication – this is the programme for the trainees of the Summer School in Psychology organized at Francisk Skorina Gomel State University and including 12 days of vacation with the benefit for the future career. Problems of psychological support for the children with mental deficiency and psychological development disorders will be considered by the lecturers and students from Germany and Belarus.…
  • 27 Jul 2018
    To get valuable experience of successful overcoming the consequences of The Chernobyl accident, and then adapt it in their homeland – this is the purpose of the visit of the delegation from the Fukushima Prefecture in the Gomel region.  More than 40 representatives of students came to the Gomel region for new knowledge. Each of them has its own vision of the problem and is ready to implement the project to solve it. The…
  • 29 Mar 2018
    On March 28, the team " Gomel-2 "won the title of the Champion of the Republic of Belarus among the teams of the Higher League, confidently beating Minsk" Junior " with the score 5:2 in the away fifth match of the final series.  "Gomel-2" is one of the most titled clubs of the Highest League, but since 2007 the team has not been able to conquer the top step of the podium. And now, 11 years later, the wards of Artem Senkevich…
  • 26 Apr 2018
    On April 20-22, Vilnius (Lithuania) hosted the international tournament on field hockey. The sports competition was attended by teams from Belarus, Ukraine and Lithuania. The honor of our country was defended by the hockey team of HC "Gomel", among whose members are students of the faculty of physical culture of the F. Skarina state University: freshmen Vadim Bondarchuk and Tseluyko Denis, third-year student Sergey Shkredov…
  • 26 Jul 2018
    More than 40 students of the agrarian College of Fukushima Prefecture came to get acquainted with the experience of the Gomel region in the field of overcoming the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. During the visit to the University, a lecture by Professor Furusawa Akir was organized for the guests. From it, the children learned about the impact of the tragedy on the economy and agriculture of the country, what…
  • 26 Jul 2018
    On July 24 and 25, IV European University games were held in Coimbra (Portugal). A student of the faculty of physical culture of F. Skarina state University, judoist Victoria Novikova won a gold medal and became the champion of the IV European University games. Victoria acted in a weight category of 70 kg. In the final match she had fought with Rita Gama of the University of Coimbra and in a confident the fight won a…
  • 23 Jul 2018
    High quality education at a relatively low cost of education, comfortable and safe stay in our country, the possibility of in-depth study of the Russian language for a successful future career attract students from China to study in Belarusian universities. At the meeting with the rector of the state University of education Sergey Khakhomov said the General Manager of the educational programs of the company Weland…
  • 16 Jul 2018
    The faculty of physical culture is the faculty, the number of victories and medals to the General Treasury of which can not be counted. Every victory is important and desirable, because here is not by hearsay know that behind every success is a huge work that is not always noticeable. In the state University named After F. Skaryna trained gifted, talented and highly qualified athletes, for whom sport is life. A fourth-year…
  • 10 Jul 2018
    Associate Professor of the Department of criminal law and procedure of the faculty of law Irina Sinitsa and educational psychologist Olga Medvedeva took part in the II international summer school "Inequality of educational opportunities: research and educational policy", held from 1 to 6 June at the National research University "Higher school of Economics" (Moscow, Russian Federation). The summer school was devoted to modern…